Labyrinz :) - Contents Producing, Cataloging and Publishing System.


so many contents produce and flow each other through internet in a day.

tomorrow, contents are become garbage.

I think, contents are still meaningful. however, it cause that contents aren't indexed and cataloged.

therefore need to make some system which can produce data & catalog data at once.

but, our system is little lack. finally we determine system's publishing method.

nobody want to see text document.. :)

our system (the name is Labyrinz) is consist of three components.


first, contents producing model.

most of people who use internet have ever been post article

to bulletinboard at least once. so bulletinboard is best model collecting contents.

before use WWW widely, many people use usenet. some people calls newsgroup.

ths bulletinboard is very similar to usenet.

the Labyrinz use alike bulletinboard to collect contents.


second, contents cataloging model.

many search engine have Directory. i think don't need to explain Directory scheme

and how to work directory structure.

contents(such as article in the bulletinboard) which so many people interested move

cataloging model. moved contents grow & refine by many people interesting it in the cataloging model.

Role of Cataloging model in the Labyrinz support searching and indexing.

end users easy to use contents that is be in the Labyrinz.

so many end user to access that. (so Labyrinz must be WWW.)


finally, contents publishing model.

if possible to produce and catalog, only left publiishing.

one contents is enough to publishing, point of view amount and quality.

it have to publish various format. so many users access Labyrinz contents.

we will use DocBook. Is most famouse open source publishing method.


We don't develop Labyrinz to focus on all people of internet, limit enduser who use Labyrinz

and interest a specific something.


ok that's all...

only left to ours... makeing Labyrinz...

before start to make The Labyrinz....

first of all, we determine three model's interface to work well each other which chained.

To develop Three component separately.

2002 / 4 / 10